The Hagley Farm School Agricultural Learning Centre provides simple & affordable, dormitory style accommodation for schools visiting Hagley, but can also be utilised by schools requiring accommodation when visiting other areas.

Three cottages are available within the school precinct, bordering the school farm environment and after 3.00pm provide almost exclusive access to a safe oval and playgrounds for visiting schools.

Any of the three cottage accommodation units can be booked to suit visiting school numbers, with a maximum capacity of 72 students and accompanying adults.

All cottages are self-contained with dormitory bedrooms, bathrooms, showers, lounge and kitchen spaces available.

Please note:

As a Field Study Centre, visitor safety is at the heart of what we do. In line with DECYP procedures and in the event of severe weather warnings we will contact you to re-schedule your booking.

The latest excursion update from DECYP requires all schools to bring one forst aid qualified adult with visiting groups. 


Cottage 1

Cottage One, at the top of the school oval is the largest cottage available with an undercover area or undercover vehicle parking area. The cottage has a separate kitchen and large lounge area. The kitchen and bathrooms have been recently upgraded. There are up to 34 student beds in 5 rooms and 4 staff beds in two rooms.

C1 Floor Plan View the floor plan of Cottage 1



Lounge Room





Cottage 2

Cottage Two, is situated on the opposite side of the oval next to our school gym and is divided into two separate wings – the East wing and the West wing.

C2 Floor Plan View the floor plan of Cottage 2 (East and West)


Cottage Two - East

Cottage Two - East has a small lounge and kitchen, with two main dormitory rooms, sleeping up to 20 students. It has one adult room sleeping for two adults with a private bathroom. This cottage has a covered deck shared with Cottage 2 West.


Lounge Room






Cottage Two - West

Cottage Two - West has the largest lounge and a new kitchen area. This cottage has 3 dormitory rooms sleeping up to 18 students, with one adult room sleeping 3 adults. Shared bathrooms are available in this cottage. It is situated beside the gym, looking out to the oval.


Lounge room





School Camp Meals Information.

The historic Hagley Farm School Dining Hall and kitchen can support visiting schools that are staying overnight in the cottage accommodation with a range of simple & affordable, student-focussed meals and snacks.


Breakfast includes a range of cereals, toast and spreads, juice and milo to provided energy for the day ahead (Approximate time 8.00am - 9.00am).

A simple morning tea & afternoon tea of fruit and biscuits, small cakes are available if onsite. (Approximate times 11.00am & 3.00pm).

Lunch can be an on-site bbq or a student selected and prepared salad rolls (Approximate time 12.30pm).

Dinner is a sit-down event and involves three courses: soup, main and dessert. This can be a settling activity for schools that have been busy all day or away travelling and have just arrived at Hagley (Approximate time 5.30pm).

Hagley Farm School Agricultural Learning Centre teachers provide support to schools with these meals, including organising the visiting school for dinner on the first night of your stay. Schools staying a second night then follow the same routine with their own teachers taking charge.

When schools are departing Hagley after breakfast, morning tea and prepared salad rolls, can be taken with them. Please note no afternoon tea is provided on departure day without prior consultation.

A more detailed menu is available. This menu also allows you to respond and advise us of any other dietary requirements you might have, enabling us to cater for as many visitors as possible. We do require this information 2 weeks prior to your stay to ensure we can cater appropriately.

Important Hagley Farm School ALC Documentation



The Hagley Farm School Agricultural Learning Centre Risk Management Plan The Hagley Farm School Agricultural Learning Centre Risk Management Plan For Safe Guarding Risks The Hagley Farm School Agricultural Learning Centre Camp Induction Notes.