

Year Level: Grade 3 – Grade 6 (differentiated)

Time: 30 – 45 minutes

Students will participate in a simulation to better understand the spread of diseases and consequences for producers.

Cover Cropping and Soil Science

covercrop1.jpgYear Level: Grade 3 – Grade 6 (differentiated)

Time: 30 minutes – 1 hour

Students investigate how cover crops are used to improve and sustain soil health.  They will experiment with various mixtures of plants to discover the benefits that can be obtained and how this contributes to sustainable farming practices.

Dung Beetle Investigation


Year Level: Grade 1 – Grade 6 (differentiated)

Time: 1 hour – 1.5 hours

Students will explore the important role of Dung Beetles and investigate where they live and how they impact soil health and pest control.

Learning Snapshots

Farm Tractor Tour


Year Level: Early Years – Grade 6 (individualised focus)

Time: 15 minutes - 1 hour

Students explore Hagley Farm on the tractor trailer to investigate what is seasonally happening on the farm.

Mixed Farm Study


Time: 1 hour – 1.5 hours

Students will investigate what a mixed farm enterprise is and examine what they can find being grown at Hagley Farm.

Learning Snapshots

Pond Study


Year Level: Grade 1 – Grade 6 (differentiated)

Time: 1 hour – 1.5 hours

Students will investigate the health of our farm dam by closely examining what is in the water. They use observable features to identify what they have found, search for evidence of changing lifecycles, and gain an understanding of what the water is used for.

Learning Snapshots

Trees On Farms


Year Level: Grade 1 – Grade 6

Time: 45 minutes – 1.5 hours

Students will investigate trees on farms by visiting our arboretum, shelterbelt, and demonstration plantation, and explore production, sustainability and biodiversity.